We are working in Cambridge to elect and collaborate with City Councillors and School Committee members who share our mission for the city, as well as to educate, organize and mobilize the community in support of policies and institutions that will build and sustain a diverse, equitable, just, and livable city.
Our City Council Platform includes:
Housing as a human right – support tenant protections, social housing, homes for the unhoused, end displacement, more affordable housing for no-, low-, and moderate-income residents, city housing vouchers to supplement existing programs
Money out of Cambridge politics – only support candidates who do not accept developer, corporate, or police organization donations
Re-envisioning public safety – support Cambridge Holistic Emergency Response Team (HEART) community-led crisis response
Make Cambridge a more democratic city – support changes to City Charter to strengthen the voices of residents in decision-making, establish municipal broadband
Develop a livable city and combat global warming – support Cambridge Green New Deal, and free, expanded, and reliable mass transit
Labor rights are human rights - support the efforts of unions within Cambridge to obtain livable salaries, strong benefits, and optimal working conditions
Our School Committee Platform includes:
Create an anti-racist school district – more educators of color, better outreach to families of color, inclusive curricula, and expanded social/academic/COVID support
End MCAS high stakes testing – implement alternative authentic forms of assessment
Public education as a public good – universal pre-K, increased/equitable state funding, keep the cap on charter schools
Increase participation and empowerment of all stakeholders – lift the voices of educators, students, and caregivers of all racial, ethnic, and class backgrounds in policies and practices of Cambridge Public Schools
Labor rights – support the efforts of the Cambridge Education Association and other Cambridge public school unions to obtain livable salaries, strong benefits, and optimal working conditions